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Item 228329    
Taiwan Formosa China Old Postcard Tamsui River & Fruits 臺北淡水河岸 果物 臺灣總督府始政十年 1905

Vintage Old Multiview Undivided Back Postcard. China Formosa Taiwan. Taipei Taipeh on Tamsui River Scene. Boats. Harbour. Taiwanese Formosa - Fruits. Banana, Pineapple. Barefoot Coolie Man. 臺北淡水河岸 臺灣果物 臺灣總督府始政十年紀念 The 10th anniversary of the founding of the Taiwan Governor-General's Office. (1905). Published by 臺灣總督府發行 小川一真印行

Item 228327    
Taiwan Formosa China 4c 1914 Old Postcard Dadaocheng Daitotei River Bank 臺北大稻埕川岸

Vintage Old Postcard. China Formosa Taiwan, Taiwanese. Dadaocheng. Daitotei River Bank. Tamsui River Scene. Native Sampan Boats. Ships. Harbour. A boat with number : N27. 臺灣 臺北 大稻埕川岸 Postally Used in 1914 with Republic of China Chinese Junk 4c stamp, tied bilingual Shanghai 上海, addressed to Glasgow Scotland. Sent from Shanghai to Glasgow Scotland. 4c Junk
Dadaocheng is an area in Datong District, Taipei, Taiwan. It was also known as Twatutia Daitōtei during Japanese rule.
Published by 杉田書店發行

Item 206298    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard National Museum of History Taipei 國立歷史博物館 臺北南海路植物園

National Museum of History. Situated in the Botanical Garden of Nanhai Road in Taipei, the museum displays many ancient Chinese art treasures and paintings. Lake. 國立歷史博物館 位於臺北市南海路植物園內,館內陳列錢幣、古董、歷史性古物等,供民眾參觀。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.8cm x 11.1m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 206295    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Mucha Hsienkung Temple, Taipei City 木柵仙公廟 臺北市木柵區山麓

Mucha Hsienkung Temple. Located in the Mucha district of Taipei, the temple has beautiful surroundings. Standing in the loft, 285m above sea level, you can have a bird's eye view of Taipei City. 木柵仙公廟 位於臺北市木柵區山麓,海拔二八五公尺,地理環境優美,山勢靈秀,俯瞰臺北,景色盡收眼底。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.8cm x 9.5m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 206292    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Taiwan Museum in New Park of Taipei 臺灣省立博物館 臺北市新公園

Taiwan Museum. The museum is in the New Park of Taipei. Articles displayed in the museum are specimens of mankind, animals, and plants. 臺灣省立博物館 位於臺北市新公園內,館內以收藏自然歷史文物及標本為主,有人類學 (甲) (乙) 室、動物、進化及海洋等室陳列展覽。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.8cm x 9.5m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 206289    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Chinshan Candle Holder Islet, Rocks 金山燭臺嶼 臺灣北海岸

Chinshan Candle Holder Islet. Chin-shan is on the north coast near Taipei. From Chin-shan you can see a fantastic islet which looks like a pair of candle holders. Rocks. 金山燭臺嶼 在臺灣北海岸,狀如一對燭臺,多溫泉,產魚,沿灘天然風景殊佳,登臨金山,可遠望燭臺嶼。景色之美,宛然如畫。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.8cm x 9.9m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205978    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard National Palace Museum Shihlin Taipei 國立故宮博物館士林外雙溪

National Palace Museum. This renowned museum is located in the Shihlin district of Taipei. It houses the world's largest and most priceless collection of Chinese art treasures. General View Panorama. 國立故宮博物館 位於臺北士林外雙溪,係宮殿式建築,現藏有歷代留傳的書法,名畫、玉器、瓷器等國寶。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.8cm x 10.6m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205977    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Peitou Hot Springs Sulphur 北投溫泉 附近有情人廟 芝山岩 琉磺谷 地熱谷

Peitou Hot Springs. Peitou, famed for hot sulphur springs, has been a scenic spot in Taipei for a long time. Nearby are many places of sightseeing interest, among which Tije (subterranean heat) Valley is the most famous one. 北投溫泉 北投以溫泉名聞遐邇,附近有情人廟、芝山岩、琉磺谷等勝景,地熱谷煙霧瀰漫尤為有名。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.7cm x 11.1m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205972    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Wulai Waterfall, Cable Car Aerial Tramway 烏來瀑布 南勢溪

Wulai Waterfall. Wulai, a famous mountain resort, is 28km south of Taipei. Among the pleasant features at the resort is the waterfall, which is 82km long and 10m wide. Cablecar. Aerial Tramway. Water Fall. 烏來瀑布。烏來距臺北市東南約二十八公里,為聞名遐邇之山地風景區。瀑布在南勢溪右岸,長約八十二公尺,寬約十公尺,沿削壁直瀉而下。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.6cm x 9.5m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205971    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Hsintien Pitan (Greenlake) Suspension Bridge 新店碧潭

Hsintien Pitan (Greenlake) This lake is a part of Hsintien stream, south of Taipei. Favourite subjects are cliffs, the clear water, and a 200-meter suspension bridge. It is an interesting place for fishing and boating. Red Bridge. 新店碧潭 位於臺北市郊南方,為新店溪之一段,危崖如削,潭水碧清,泛舟垂釣均相宜,有吊橋長約二百公尺。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.7cm x 11.1m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205970    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Lungtan Shihmen Dam, Reservoir, Dahan River 龍潭石門水庫

Lungtan Shihmen Dam. The Shihmen Dam, a multipurpose reservoir, is 52km southeast of Taipei. Its main purposes are irrigation, power, flood control, and public water supply. It has facilities for boating and fishing. Dahan River Middle Stream. Mountains, Hills. Panorama. 龍潭石門水庫 水庫在大漢溪中游,具有防洪、灌溉、發電、給水等功能。環湖公路直通阿姆坪,為北部觀光旅遊勝地。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.7cm x 11.1m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205969    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Taipei Lungshan (Dragon Mountain) Temple 臺北龍山寺 廣州街

Taipei Lungshan (Dragon Mountain) Temple. Built in the 3rd year of the reign of Emperor Chienlung (1738) of the Ching Dynasty, the temple is dedicated to Kuan Yin. Goddess of Mercy, a Buddhist divinity. It is regarded as the island's finest model of a temple. 臺北龍山寺 位在臺北市廣州街,建於清乾隆三年,主祀觀音。前殿有銅鑄龍柱一對,雕工精細,寺內木雕尤以正殿內藻井及神龕最為精巧出色。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.8cm x 9.9m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205968    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Taipei Chung Cheng (Chiang Kai-Shek) Memorial Hall

Taipei Chung Cheng (Chiang Kai-Shek) Memorial Hall. The magnificent hall is on Chung Shan South Road in Taipei. It was built with funds contributed by the Chinese people at home and abroad. It was officially opened to the public on April 4, 1980. 臺北中正紀念堂 位於臺北市中山南路,是海內外同胞為紀念先總統 蔣公德澤而捐資獻建,於民國六十九年四月四日正式揭幕。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.7cm x 11.5m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205905    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Taipei Railway Station Train Station 臺北火車站 重建民國七十八

Taipei Railway Station. Train Station. The new magnificent station was reconstructed in 1989. The total of travelers is approximately 200 thousand every day. After the accomplishment of the rapid transit systems, it will become the transportation centre in Taipei area. 臺北火車站 重建於民國七十八年九月,宏偉壯觀,氣派非凡。啟用後每日約有二十萬旅客進出,在捷運系統完成後,將成為臺北都會區交通樞紐。 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.8cm x 11.5m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205902    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Postal Museum Motorcycle Scooter wear Helmet 郵政博物館

Postal Museum. This new Postal Museum is situated by the Nanhai Cultural Centre in Taipei. It houses a large collection of postal books and documents, displays of postage stamps, material on postal equipment, postal history, and other things related to philately. 郵政博物館 臨近臺北市南海學園,藏有世界各國郵票及郵政專業圖書文檔案卷,展示郵政歷史,集郵及各項郵政服務 Advertising Advertisement : 騎乘機車 請戴安全帽 交通自律年 - Riding a Motorcycle Scooter, please wear a Helmet. Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.7cm x 9.6m). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205899    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Sanshia Liberty Bell, It Rings on January 23 三峽自由鐘

Sanshia Liberty Bell. The Bell is set at the site of the Anti-Communist Soldier Assistance Centre of Sanshia near Taipei. It rings once a year on January 23 to celebrate Liberty Day. Pavilion. 三峽自由鐘 係反共義士輔導中心內精神標幟之一,自由鐘僅限於每年一月二十三日紀念儀式中敲鳴,以維其莊嚴 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.6cm x 11.5cm). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205898    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Yangmingshan National Park Taipei Valley 臺北陽明山國家公園

Yangmingshan National Park. The park is situated at the northeastern edge of the Taipei Valley in northern Taiwan. The park at its centre the Tatunshan volcanoes. Fountain. 陽明山國家公園 位於臺灣北端的富貴角北海岸與臺北盆地間,涵蓋了大屯火山群全面區域 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.8cm x 10.5cm). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 205897    
Taiwan Formosa China Postcard Taipei Cheng En Gate North Gate Bridge 臺北承恩門 府城北城門

Taipei Cheng En Gate is also called North Gate. The circumference of Taipei City Wall was over 1,500 chang (roughly 5km). Originally there were 5 gates. Now only the North Gate keeps its original form. Bridge. 臺北承恩門 臺北府城,周圍一千五百餘丈,設五門,承恩門即其北城門,光復後其他城門皆經整修,惟本門仍保存原貌 Larger Colour Postcard from a collection of scenic cachets and cards of Taiwan and Fukien Area, Republic of China. (臺閩地區 風景郵戳 風景明信片全集). China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. 臺灣 中華民國明信片 Carte Postale. Including a small card with picture, info and a punch hole (approx : 9.7cm x 10cm). Postcard is approx. 14.7cm x 10.4cm. Published by Directorate General of Posts Republic of China 交通部郵政總局發行

Item 202117    
Taiwan Formosa China Old Postcard Taipei Soochow University Basketball Ct 臺灣東吳大學

Vintage Old Postcard. c.1930. China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. Panorama, University Campus Soochow University, Taipei. Basketball Court. Sport Sports. 臺灣 東吳大學校景.

Item 188739    
Taiwan Formosa China Old Postcard A Vegetable Garden in Experimental Farm Taipei

Vintage Old Picture Postcard. Japan Japanese Occupation Period. China Formosa Taiwan Taiwanese. Chinese Farmers. A Vegetable Garden in The Experimental Farm, Taipei. 台灣 臺灣 台北 臺北 農事試驗塲田菁. Published by Yamakashoten 台北新高堂書店發行

Item 188399    
Taiwan Formosa China Old Postcard Kokoku Street, Taihoku Taipei Bicycles 臺灣臺北公園通

Vintage Old Colour Picture Post card, Taiwanese Taiwan Formosa China. Taipei. The Street of Kokoku of Taihoku, Formosa. Cyclist, Bicycle. Rickshaw Coolie. 臺灣臺北公園通. Published by 鈴木勇進堂發行

Item 180234    
Taiwan Formosa Memorial Exhibition Sozan Taihoku 40th Anniv Ad 1935 Old Postcard

Vintage Old Picture Postcard. Taiwan. China. The Grand Sight of Formosa Memorial Exhibition, Sozan Branch, near Taihoku Taipei. Beitou. Taiwanese Mountains. Gate. Mountains. Expo'. 1935. 40th anniversary of the first administration. 始政四十周年 臺灣博覽會 草山分館. 始政四十周年記念臺灣博覽會,簡稱臺灣博覽會,是1935年(昭和10年)日本統治臺灣40週年時,於該年10月10日至11月28日此50日期間在台灣各地(以台北市為主場地)所舉辦的博覽會,也是臺灣有史以來第1次舉辦大型博覽會。
Published by 臺北新高堂發行 Taipei

Item 161275    
Taiwan Formosa China Old Postcard Taiwanese Savage Houses Huts A Woman Dog Puppy

Vintage Old Colour Picture Postcard. Japan Japanese Occupation Period. c.1930. China Formosa Taiwan. Ethnic Life. Native Taiwanese Savage Houses, Huts, Aboriginal Woman standing by Roadside. Hot Spring Resorts. 1 day journey from Taipei. 臺灣 蕃社 臺北一日行程 昔 相當暴 事 今 從順 彼等 溫泉 景色. Published by 臺北 生蕃屋本店 發行 Taipei

Item 160013    
Taiwan Formosa Old Postcard Taihoku City General View, Museum in Taipei New Park

Vintage Japanese Old Colour Embossed Picture Post card, c.1920 Japan Japanese Occupation Period. China Formosa Taiwan. Taiwanese. Taihoku. Panorama, General View of Taihoku. Showing the Museum in New Park. Trees, Gazebo, Street Scene. Japanese Style Houses and Buildings. Taipei. 臺北市街全景 (其一). Published by 臺北勸工場表 藤倉商店發行

Item 151837    
Taiwan Formosa Old Postcard Native Taiwanese Savage Houses Woman by Roadside Hut

Vintage Old Colour Picture Postcard. Japan Japanese Occupation Period. 1928. China Formosa Taiwan. Ethnic Life. Native Taiwanese Savage Houses, Huts, Aboriginal Woman standing by Roadside. Hot Spring Resorts. 1 day journey from Taipei. 臺灣 蕃社 臺北一日行程 昔 相當暴 事 今 從順 彼等 溫泉 景色. Published by 臺北 生蕃屋本店 發行 Taipei
